The Hunger Games Guide to Solar Companies

SolarMavenSolar Power

hunger games guide to solar companies

When Katniss Everdeen offered herself as tribute, she knew she would face the challenge of her life, a challenge that would test everything from trust to perseverance. As a homeowner, you also face your own fair share of challenges. These challenges test your finances, security, and trust in home energy providers. Choosing the right solar power provider is one of … Read More

7 Ways Your Mother Lied to You About Solar Panels

SolarMavenSolar Power

Mom Lied About Solar Energy

Some of the biggest expenses you’ll have as a homeowner are your monthly utility bills. The average American spends more than $104 each month on electricity alone. That’s more than $1,200 a year! Installing solar panels is one of the best ways to lower your monthly utility expenses permanently. However, there are a few pervasive solar panel myths that keep … Read More

Five Facts About Solar Energy

SolarMavenSolar Power

Facts About Solar Energy

So, you’re interested in solar energy for your home? You must be, or you wouldn’t be reading this blog, right? We understand your interest. There is a LOT to like about solar power, especially when it comes to providing energy for your home. However, we also that making the decision to go solar can be difficult without all the facts. You’ve … Read More

Spring Cleaning for Going Solar: Top Five To-Dos

SolarMavenSolar Power

Clear sky behind clean window

You’ve spent many cold winter nights learning about the benefits of going solar, exploring solar panel options, estimating installation expenses and researching local companies. Now that daylight savings time is here and the weather is getting warmer, you are finally ready to spring into action and start soaking up your solar savings. However, before you set up that installation date … Read More

Top 5 Reasons You Haven’t Gone Solar Yet

SolarMavenSolar Power

Why are you waiting to go solar?

Admit it: you’ve been thinking of going solar, you’ve been wanting to go solar, you’ve been talking to your friends about going solar, you’ve even been researching going solar. But you still haven’t done it…yet. Don’t worry, you are FAR from alone. It’s pretty typical for humans to procrastinate doing things they know they should do, and want to do, … Read More